Minggu, 09 November 2014

my man

dia udah duduk di starbuck, gw rasa udah lama deh nungguin gw makan ketemuan di pepper n lunch, asyik aja maen game sambil ngerokok dan minum manis tentunya (and I blame my self for this!!! he shouldnt have sweet drink while he waiting at me, I'm sorry honey..) gw udah curiga kok dia anteng aja gak neror-neror gw ayoo cepetan, udah belom, masih lama gak? wifey feeling trus pas rombongan ibu-ibu rempong mo pulang, gw nerima sms klo dia udah sampe di starbuck, lah ya gw kira dia mo minum ya ehh pas sampe sana kok minumnya udah hampir abis tinggal seperempat, yaahh katanya kamu lemburr kok malah lembur nungguin akuu sih *fell guilty

well I never meet a man like this, who let me go with my friend (even he not yet know them, just know them from my stories) who let me chit-cat while he waiting me smoke, play game and dont know how long I chit chat witnh my friend, who still smile for me ( I know he very tiredd, oh come on guys you have to overtime work than you have to pick up your girlfriend from pancoran-citos-pulomas-tanjung barat) itu lke JAKARTA- BOGORR

I Love you my future husband (heyyy its 23 more days agaainnnn)

ya klakuan kaga berubah yaa yang satu maunya foto mulu yang satu giliran minta di foto kaya gitu klakuannya hmmffff

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